Our Clients
Our clients transcend our nation’s economic, political, social health and security— both within Local and Federal Governments, and Fortune 500 companies as well–Homeland Security and National Defense. We bring proven insight and capabilities from across these unique but intimately connected realms to help advance the development of a more comprehensive, sustainable and dominant Holistic CyberStance™ to combat asymmetric threats today and into the future

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Domestic protection of citizens, property and environment form major natural, accidental, and unconventional (non-military) and man made risks
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Strategic military preparedness and resiliency, and preparedness for geopolitical- and military disruptions, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, and related domestic and international military operations
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Strategic military, intelligence, counterintelligence, economic, diplomatic interest of the nation, especially overseas
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National level events, critical resources, critical infrastructure and the industrial/economic base
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