ISHPI’s integrated holistic service solutions encompass a mutually enabling suite of capabilities that work in unison to usurp, disrupt, corrupt, and/or influence adversarial decision making while enhancing your security. We combine resident and external subject-matter expertise—supported by advanced analytic capabilities—to promote effective and efficient military operations throughout all phases, from planning through execution.
Our threat analysis approach enables plausible and credible simulation of adversarial and neutral actors throughout the Asymmetric Domains (personal/political, cyber identity, information, infrastructure, and geographic/geopolitical). This approach warrants that each element of the program understands and performs its function correctly within an integrated construct. This results in powerfully synchronized Information Operations (IO) where interdependent elements are interwoven with adjacent lines of operations to more holistically safeguard our warfighter with a dominating holistic CyberStance™ .
Focusing on cost control, our holistic service solutions provide adaptive methodologies that enable pragmatic innovation. Whenever possible, we design in and leverage existing leading-edge technologies to significantly reduce analytic timelines and enhance intelligence output.
We build upon, rather than duplicate, the capabilities and resources already accessible to individual commands. Simultaneously, we evaluate emerging technologies for benefits and liabilities, thereby ensuring a proactive approach to reducing risk and provide differentiating capabilities that heighten the holistic CyberStance of our warfighters. By continually nurturing strong relationships with academic, business, and non-profit communities, ISHPI seeks out new, more efficient ways to enhance the warfighter’s ability to construct rich images of the complex social, political, and economic environments that enable and sustain adversarial networks.
Our holistic service solutions break from the traditional approaches that treat the creation of operational value from all-source exploitation and IO planning/execution as staffing augmentation challenges. While highly qualified personnel are essential, our experience suggests that simply providing a team of AOR-relevant linguists and IO planners rarely addresses a true operational need. Our approach blends technology, people, and processes to deliver unparalleled efficiency to the U.S. Government and tangible results to the warfighter. Moreover, we engage “outside-the-box” resources to ensure freedom of action in all the asymmetric domains, which is critical to successful joint operations.
Our holistic service solutions in IO, provided by ISHPI since early 2006, has enhanced operations for clients including United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), United States Air Force (USAF), and the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO). We bring a deep knowledge of mission objectives for this niche capability and the fresh approach that delivers outstanding value and tangible impact to the warfighter.