“ ISHPI was given a CGCYBER WARNORD to identify unmanaged devices on the CG Network. C3CEN was given a list of over 2,000 IP addresses that HBSS did not recognize as authorized devices. I can’t thank them enough for all of the hard work and dedication they have to me and the C3CEN mission. Their work ethic, dedication and expertise are unparalleled.” – C3CEN ISSM /IA COR, January 2015
“The efforts of this ISHPI team directly contributed to the AF Space Command and AF Cyber Safety Award for 2012, inclusion in the AFNIC Mission Accomplishment achievements for 2012, AFNIC Networthiness Directorate Team Award for support to the Joint Strike Fighter program, and AFNIC Team Award for developing the first-ever Air Force guide on properly securing kiosk-type machines.” – DISA/DITOCO COR, November 2013
ISHPI provides solutions in response to the evolving cyber battle space, with an understanding that focusing on common signatures is no longer sufficient to anticipate, defend, and respond to stealthy, and often delayed, attacks that seek to gather intelligence rather than destroy system functionality. ISHPI leverages our broad and deep understanding of the serial variant techniques and tactics used by today’s modern cyber criminals and their associated digital signatures.
ISHPI has performed Cybersecurity services for the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard, and others. ISHPI’s Cybersecurity services include end point and network protection, incident management, intrusion detection system monitoring, vulnerability assessments, computer and network forensics, cyber planning and training, and innovation integration. For the U.S. Air Force 90th Information Operations Squadron (IOS) Cyber Development laboratory facilities, ISHPI Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) have performed activities related to security technologies and computer forensics support, including law enforcement and counterintelligence investigations and operations, host-level kernel monitoring, host-level counter intelligence, network intrusion prevention development, and hardware, BIOS, firmware, and operating system forensics and counterintelligence for aerial layer networks and systems and mobile platforms.
ISHPI employees provide full-spectrum cyber operations expertise spanning the more traditional disciplines (e.g., COMSEC, COMPUSEC, EMSEC/TEMPEST) up through the emergent technology trends of our adversaries today. Our SMEs regularly identify and analyze offensive and defensive cyber operations that lean toward the more experienced cyber criminal and are more robust (e.g., behavioral, debugger, static file, and reverse engineering methods). ISHPI has experience identifying and eliminating threats that include signature methods such as crypters/cryptors, protectors, packers, and binders. Our Cybersecurity work focuses on achieving timely compliance, eliminating threats, and reducing risk to networks, enclaves, and operating systems. We identify, neutralize, and exploit threats in the cyber battle space for DoD assets worldwide, and we support Computer Network Defense (CND) via the detection, containment, collection, analysis, and reverse engineering of malicious logic.
ISHPI has served as a functional lead for cyberspace engagement, working closely with U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) staff, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Joint Staff, and other components to develop the Command strategy for cyberspace cooperation. We initiated engagement activities with six regional partners and analyzed the current political, economic, and social environment of cyberspace for regional malicious cyber activity, as well as impacts to both partners and USSOUTHCOM operations.