“During 7-24 February 2014, an ISHPI employee provided exemplary analytical support to JIEDDO and to the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), Special Events Intelligence Coordinator (SEIC) during the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. This employee’s analytical support and contributions provided key situational understanding to multiple Intelligence Community (IC) agencies and enabled intelligence-sharing and analysis throughout the course of the Games, which aided in operational planning to counter IED/Counterterrorism-related threats. Because of this key analytical support, on 28 October 2014 the Honorable James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, formally acknowledged JIEDDO as one of two Department of Defense organizations out of 11 IC organizations that provided key analytical support to the NCTC, SEIC during the Games.” — Lt. General John D. Johnson, US Army, December 2014
ISHPI enables our DoD and DHS customers to conduct meaningful Counterterrorism operations by expertly fusing technological capability with a comprehensive understanding of national and international strategies, tactics, tools, policies, players, interfaces, relationships, and interrelationships.
ISHPI has been fully engaged in supporting Counterterrorism efforts at the DoD, DHS, and other Federal agencies since our company’s inception in 2006. From intelligence gathering and analysis to full scale Information Operations, ISHPI plays an active role in the activities that drive and define our national counterterrorism posture, organization, and strategy. ISHPI provides a full spectrum of core capabilities in key Counterterrorism areas such as Information Operations (IO), Information Warfare (IW), Information Assurance (IA), Electronic Warfare (EW), Personal Security, Cybersecurity (CS), and Cyberwarfare (CW).
Since 9/11/2001, U.S. Counterterrorism efforts have typically been focused on seeking to disrupt, isolate, and dismantle terrorist organizations and networks and to render them incapable of striking the U.S. homeland, U.S. facilities and personnel, and U.S. interests abroad. ISHPI has supported military engagement and security cooperation activities, the development of Partner Nation and friendly military capabilities, and a variety of efforts aimed at information exchange, intelligence sharing, and interagency coordination.
ISHPI’s IO assessment team has managed a complex and relatively new frontier for the DoD and the Intelligence Community (IC). We have contributed significantly to the broader DoD IO assessment effort by building relationships with U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) intelligence and assessment directorates, other Combatant Commands (COCOMs), the U.S. State Department, other government agencies, and the IC to promote information sharing, minimize redundancy in program evaluation efforts, and establish best practices.