ISHPI is a broad-based provider of secure communications services to Federal industry clients. Our highly skilled personnel assist organizations in responding to and surviving information technology threats and emergencies. We offer a range of information protection services that give our customers the latest threat and vulnerability countermeasures relevant to their infrastructure and business sector. Our technical expertise spans Information System Security and Assurance, Communications Security (COMSEC), Computer Security (COMPUSEC), Emission Security (EMSEC) [a.k.a., TEMPEST], Certification and Accreditation (C&A), and IT Security Operations. ISHPI ’s senior certified TEMPEST professionals are recognized experts in conducting VTIs and ITS of communications and IT systems and infrastructure. With both academic and practical hands-on experience, our COMSEC TEMPEST Specialists have an intimate knowledge of TEMPEST standards and their practical application to military operational systems.
Communication security (COMSEC) is the term used to denote steps taken to prevent disclosure of national security information to unauthorized recipients during the communication process. ISHPI delivers cyber security experts who provide COMSEC support that includes physical security; emissions security; transmission security–protection of transmissions from traffic analysis, imitative deception, and disruption; and cryptographic security. In support of the Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) Air Force Network Integration Center (AFNIC) and the Cyberspace Support Squadron (CYSS), ISHPI interprets Communications Security (COMSEC), Computer Security (COMPUSEC), and Emissions Security (EMSEC)/TEMPEST policy and provides guidance and training input for all IT and IA personnel across the Air Force. ISHPI supports all Air Force MAJCOMs, field level Wing organizations, and other U.S. Government agencies. ISHPI has drafted several Communications Security publications including AFMAN 33-282, Computer Security (COMPUSEC) and AFMAN 33-283, Communications Security (COMSEC) Operations.
Visual Tempest Inspections (VTI) / Instrumented TEMPEST Surveys (ITS)
ISHPI understands that with the modernization of military aircraft, ships and cutters a myriad of inspections and surveys must be performed to ensure the security of communications before each asset becomes operational. All new assets have systems and applications on-board that are increasingly interconnected to provide the most robust capabilities to operators, and these new capabilities present numerous ways for communications to be compromised by adversaries. To combat this problem, rigorous planning and execution of TEMPEST instrumented surveys and inspections are required to ensure that these systems are inspected and tested to effectively safeguard all electronic emanations from these platforms.
ISHPI has been providing TEMPEST support to the USCG since 2008, working with CG-9335 and the C4IT-SC Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority (CTTA) to perform Visual TEMPEST Inspections (VTI) and Instrumented TEMPEST Surveys (ITS). This includes work with The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), providing TEMPEST services on the USCG National Security Cutters (NSC). Our Secure Communications Support includes the creation, verification, validation, and maintenance of documentation for USCG communications systems.
As a familiar and trusted TEMPEST expert, our Field Technical Authority (FTA) provided services that mitigated Congressional concerns over the USCG Cutter Bertholf. Working in conjunction with the both U.S. Government and contractor counterparts, ISHPI personnel repaired approximately 500 Visual TEMPEST Inspections (VTI) discrepancies and conducted significant Instrumented TEMPEST Surveys (ITS), resulting in a successful certification and Authority to Operate (ATO) by the Approving Official. ISHPI’s certified TEMPEST FTA also participated in the first update to the TEMPEST Manual since 1995.